“Now give me this mountain…” (Joshua 14:6-15)

Caleb was an 85 year old man when Joshua led Israel into Canaan. (Read his story in Joshua 14:6-15, 15:13-19, 63, and Numbers 14:24.) Joshua and Caleb had been prayer partners for 40 long, wilderness-laden years. Moses had sent 12 tribal representatives to scout the Promised Land. Ten returned spreading fear. Only Joshua and Caleb took God at his word. Fear prevailed. That cost Israel 40 years in the desert. But because of their faith, God promised that Caleb and his family would one day inherit the region of Hebron, a piece of land Caleb had seen and longed to settle.

Caleb held that promise for forty long years until they were once again back in Canaan settling a new generation of Israelites into their allotted territories. On that day, Caleb pulls up his ancient promise and asks, “Now – today – give me my mountain!” Joshua recognizes Caleb’s claim on this land and agrees with God’s promise to his faith-friend. “Go get it!” Joshua tells him. And Caleb and his family set off and claim in battle what had been theirs in promise for four decades.

It’s my day to say, “Give me my mountain!” I’ve been holding that promise, keeping it alive in the hollows of my soul day after day. Today is the birthday of that vision. Today I ask, and then set off to fight to enforce what is rightfully mine!


You have a vision. You heard God’s voice and caught a glimpse of a land of blessing. But time has passed. Days have come and gone. Perhaps you have adjusted your expectations. Perhaps you have settled and have nearly forgotten your dream. It’s time to dig it up and dust it off and to approach God and claim, “Give me my mountain!”

Caleb’s story is a great template. Follow the pattern:

  1. Remember the facts from the past. 
  2. Remember the promise you heard from God.
  3. Admit the challenge – you’re older now for one thing but strong nonetheless.
  4. Push aside those challenges and ask for the promise.
  5. Receive the blessing as a given.
  6. Step out and fight to make it real for you and the next generation.
  7. Finish the job.


“Father, you know the desire I hold. I’ve brought this to you many times. I’ve protected this vision through years of waiting and disappointment. Time is passing. I’m tempted to settle for less and to negotiate down my expectation for my future. Give me first the resilience to believe again, to desire again, to know again that in spite of the time lag, your words are always true. Today I’m taking the stand to come and ask, “Give me my mountain!” I know this is mine by promise. I want it now in realtime. Give me a nod of affirmation, and I will march up and put my hand to the sword and fight to see my inheritance won! In the name of Jesus, who has fought ahead of me, Amen!”

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