“There are many ways to say I love you.” That’s a line from a song written by one of my favorite song-writer/philosophers:  Mister Rogers. Jesus seemed to echo that song today as I was meditating on this Scripture:

“Mary sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what He was saying.” (Luke 10:39)

I decided to do follow Mary’s lead. Prayer is talking with God, but it is also listening to His still, small voice. This is what I heard Him say:

“Look for all the many ways I am saying ‘I love you’ today. You’ll see it in the flowers, hear it in the bird’s song, and feel it in the gentle breeze that dances around your shoulders. I am caressing you, my love, embracing you, and as I do, you are covered, for in my presence you are no longer vulnerable to temptation, to the consequences of sin, or to harm in any manifestation that the enemy has schemed against you. Celebrate and soak in my love today. Delight yourself in me, for I delight in you, my beloved. And watch closely, as every enemy of yours has become an enemy of mine. My arrows are aimed and ready. Defeat of your foes is imminent. Rejoice in this reality.” 

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