I just read a really great story about Barry Black, a Senate chaplain and spiritual counselor to everyone from senior senators to young staffers. Black is the “go to” guy when senators and other leaders on “the Hill” are looking for encouragement and prayer. He opens the Senate floor with prayer every morning and leads the prayer breakfast and a Bible study every week. The former chief of chaplains in the U.S. Navy, is the Senate’s first African-American chaplain. I was in awe of the great responsibility he has to pray and guide those who are responsible for setting the political climate of our world. Reading this article prompted me to encourage everyone to pray for Black whose life’s work it is to pray for and encourage others. While this looks like the best job in the world–to me–I imagine it is spiritually taxing to have so many people depend on you to always have the right words to say, the right scripture to reference and the right spirit at all times. Join us as we prayer for Senate Chaplain Barry Black.

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for endowing Barry Black with the spirit to serve people through the personal relationship he has cultivated with you in his personal prayer and study time with you. You have risen him through the ranks of the U.S. Navy where he was a chaplain, to a position of spiritual power on the Hill. We thank you that this kind of promotion could only happen through you and we pray that you would continue to bless him in this position for as long as you would have him there. Empower him with your words so that he may empower the men and women you have placed in the positions of natural power in the Senate. Increase in Barry the knowledge, wisdom and discernment to more closely understand the needs of those who come to him seeking prayer and encouragement. When these senators and other staffers come to Barry, may they not just receive his human response, may they also hear from you and be encouraged to seek your face directly. Every day may you increase as Barry decreases so that they may see more of you and less of him. Bless Barry’s every interaction from where he stands beside the main chamber door, to the moment when he steps on the Senate floor to open it in prayer, to when he is in his office writing prayers and sermons, to every conversation he has both on the Hill and outside of it. Bless the lives of those he interacts with and may their positive communication in your name extend from heart to heart and breast to breast. May Barry always be encouraged in His work for you. May he always be strengthened to do your will. May you bless His life exceedingly and abundantly so that He will continually be a blessing to others.

In Jesus’ Name,


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