I learn best by modeling. I’m too old and too soon gone from the planet to learn all I need to know by trial and error. I’ll mimic my Master, and live by his experience. I’ll copy Jesus.


When Jesus shows up, things happen. When he comes, he speaks words and recreates the world. Words are his weapons of choice and tools of design. He could have hurled lightning bolts, or split mountains with his fist, or with a wave of his hand tossed armies into the sea. Instead, Jesus said things.


Words, when they are the right words, spoken by the right messenger, deliver power.

Jesus explained his mission using the same words Isaiah the Prophet borrowed from God:

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,

because he has anointed me

to preach good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners

and recovery of sight for the blind,

to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor”

(Luke 4:17-19).

Jesus claimed these words as his commission: He would proclaim things as they ought to be. Everything Jesus did in the three years of his work on earth followed what God had spoken through Isaiah seven centuries earlier.


– Jesus’ words met physical needs. He turned water to wine, multiplied bread and fish  twice – and provided finances to cover a tax bill. Jesus’ words supply enough and make provision a sign of his regime.

– Jesus’ words pardoned the guilty. He declared a leper “clean” and a prostitute “forgiven.” – Jesus’ words release grace and make pardon a sign of his regime.

– Jesus’ words healed the broken. He declared a blind man “whole” and dead girl “alive.”  – Jesus’ words transmit power and make healing a sign of his regime.

– Jesus’ words expelled demons. He drove out a legion of spirits and silenced a blasphemer. Jesus’ words command authority and make deliverance a sign of his regime.

– Jesus’ words revealed Father’s love. He told stories of victory in this world, and hope in the next. Jesus’ words create vision and make favor a sign of his regime.


What worked for Jesus will work again for Jesus living through me… And through you as well…


I explore this theme further in a short ebook called, Fight Like Jesus. It’s available for free download at www.markherringshaw.com.



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