There’s a prayer stuck in my throat,
Longing to be given voice,
Yearning to be heard.

There’s a prayer stuck in my limbs,
Longing to be given power,
Yearning to be seen.

There’s a prayer stuck in my lungs,
Longing to be given breath,
Yearning to be given life.

God of Old,
Release the prayer hidden deep in my bones,
The prayers that move through my veins and through my heart.
Let my body become a blessing of joy and service.
Let my being become an instrument of holiness and light.
Let my life praise creation with all of my deeds.

Ancient One,
Use my voice,
My limbs,
And my breath.
Set free this chorus of sacred love,
This symphony of
Radiance and splendor.

© 2011 Alden Solovy and All rights reserved.

Click to hear Alden read his prayer out loud and to read more of his work.

Alden Solovy is a liturgist, poet, editor and writing coach, as well as an award-winning essayist and journalist. His work combines ancient ideas with new voices and modern rhythms into a unique range of prayers, meditations and poetry. Find more of his work at To Bend Light on Facebook, Twitter and


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