Gramma Good DiamondI recently flew home from California with my husband, Shelly, and my dog, Orchid, to share the holidays with our family. My suitcase is filled with loving gifts that I have selected for our grandchildren and my mind is filled with an abundance of happiness knowing that everyone in our family is in a wonderful frame of mind (which is not always the case in large blended families such are ours, or any family for that matter!).

In our family this Thanksgiving Hanukah we are celebrating a third event of important significance. The engagement of my first- born grandson! How special is that!!

I started to wonder about the history of the diamond because of the engagement ring that my grandson gave to his wife-to-be. The ring belonged to his great-great grandmother – my gramma.

The age of the ring made me wonder about the history of the diamond. I did some research and here is what I found:

The name diamond is derived from the ancient Greek αδάμας (adámas), meaning “unbreakable.” Diamonds are thought to have been first recognized and mined in India. They have been treasured as gemstones since their use as religious icons. Their usage as engraving tools also dates to early human history. The popularity of diamonds has risen since the 19th century for many reasons. Increased supply, improved techniques, and successful advertising campaigns (“A diamond is forever”) helped launch the diamond into a new tradition of use in engagement and wedding rings.

Diamonds are treasured for their purity and permanence, but also for their history. A diamond ring passed down from generations has a personal significance that store-bought rings cannot replace. I think of how happy my grandmother must have been when she received that ring, just as my grandson’s new fiancé must have felt when it was presented to her.

-Gramma Good

Do Something GOOD Today: Explore the history of an heirloom in your family.

gramma good



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