Planning?  What is it good for?  Absolutely everything!  Yet, we resist.

There are those of us who exhibit quite a bit of resistance around planning our meals, making time for food shopping, and exercise. Is it really that complicated to buy fruit and vegetables, to ‘throw’ a sandwich together in the morning? Or take an exercise/movement break and set out on a simple walk around the block?

By not planning, by not actively creating health, we are – in a sense – creating in the negative.

Here follow 7 tips from Our Lady of Weight Loss, making it easy, every ounce of the weigh.

7 Secret and Painless Planning Strategies

  1. Schedule planning time on your calendar and adhere to it!
  2. Anticipate problems and plan for them! Life happens.
    Hold 1/2 hour blocks here and there throughout your day. Consider it catch-up time.
  3. Schedule thinking time! Yes, that’s right… you have to think!
  4. Plan for tomorrow, tonight. You will be amazed how well you will sleep.
  5. Plan day-to-day and week-to-week. Once a day take a look at your day – tweak as needed.  Once a week schedule time to look at the week to come.  It gives perspective!
  6. Plan on paper. You’ll never remember all you need to remember. Trust me!
  7. Take your time. No point in rushing and missing something important!

Spread the word … NOT the icing!

Janice Taylor (dictated by Our Lady of Weight Loss – but not read)
wise * fun * utterly useful

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Our Lady of Weight Loss

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