Are you ready to pump your self-love muscle?  Get it in shape, so that you are on auto-self love pilot?  Seriously!  Imagine what would it feel like if you loved yourself every moment of the day!  Not in a crazy over-the-top narcissistic way; just in a kind, compassionate manner.

Now, there’s an idea worth exploring.  And to help you explore, Our Lady of Weight Loss, the patron saint of permanent fat removal, asked me to pass these tips along to you!

Six Succulent Ways to Exercise Your Self-Love Muscle

  1. Write out a list of all the things you like about yourself.  If you are short on ideas, ask a couple of good and kind friends.  (Caution: steer clear of critical relatives.)
  2. To get your day headed in the right direction, start the morning with a few self-loving affirmations.  Write them first and then say them aloud.  “My loving energy flows through me and out into the universe, connecting with all the Gods and Goddesses of love.” (Okay, a little over the top. I like a touch of drama.)
  3. Every night jot down three things that you are grateful for.
    “I am grateful that I love myself.”
  4. Praise and compliment yourself as often as possible. Criticism is soul crushing. Praise builds.  “Wow, that chocolate smoothie I just whipped up was awesome.  I am great.”   Or, how about, “Girlfriend, look at yourself in those tight-ass jeans.”
  5. Look into the mirror and say, “Hello Self, I Love You!”
  6. And if, by chance, you’ve fallen off the wagon and you’re beating yourself up, then practice forgiveness.  You are only human.  Humans make mistakes.   Repeat Our Lady of Weight Loss’s mantra:  All Is Forgiven, Move On!

Spread the word … NOT the icing!

wise * fun * utterly useful

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