Today’s GET JIGGY Weight Loss JIGSAW Puzzle was inspired by an amazing quote from Coco Chanel!

“Since everything is in our heads,
we had better not lose them.” ~ C.C.

While that used to be true and still may be for many, I’m thinking the appropriate quote for these hi-Tech days is:

“Since everything is in our laptops, we had better not lose them.” ~ Janice Taylor

Chew on that while clicking through your Sunday JigSaw Puzzle!!! And remember, thinking and clicking burn calories!!!

The brain does burn more calories during periods of intense thinking.  But calorie burning is related to learning; after a subject is mastered, fewer calories are burned by thinking about it.  Overall, the brain accounts for 20% – 30% of total calories burned in a day, but most of those calories are used to regulate physiologic processes such as heart rate, breathing and digestion.  The brain burns glucose to transmit messages across a network of neurons, and so carbohydrate, which digests to become glucose, is truly brain food. Carbohydrates are found in fruits, grains, vegetables, legumes, and milk.” (Source:

Spread the word … NOT the icing!


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