KICKOL-LOGO.jpgResearch recently published in the Journal of Obesity reveals that treating yourself for behavioral changes (i.e. chewing slowly, using small plates, keeping your house stocked with the ‘right’ stuff) may ultimately help you to lose more weight than rewarding yourself based on the number on the “Scales of Injustice.”
Without the behavioral changes – without creating new healthy habits that are deeply embedded into your body, mind and soul – you may lose it and find it again. Your behavior and thinking is what will see you straight through dieting to permanent weight loss.

Here follow a few of Our Lady of Weight Loss’s favorite rewards. Feel free to note your favorite non-food reward below! The more we share, the better!
Our Lady of Weight Loss approved rewards:
1. Buy yourself a bunch of flowers and write yourself a nice note.
Dear Me, Thanks for a spectacularly healthy week. Love, Me
If the flower thing sets off happy bells and whistles throughout your body, think about signing up for a Floral Design class!!!
2. Go to a movie! Alone.
You are delightful company. Enjoy yourself.
3. Do the spa thing.
Manicure, Pedicure, Massage … whatever delights your soul.
4. Accessorize
The perfect scarf or pair of earrings can change an outfit, a look and a mood!
5. Magazine Subscription
Most magazines are somewhere between $15 to $20 for a year’s subscription. Imagine, a fabulous magazine showing up in your mailbox with your name on it every month.
6. Bubble Bath
Splurge on the best ever bubble bath, that not only smells good but makes lasting bubbles.
Spread the word … NOT the icing!

Curious about coaching? Janice Taylor can help you live your best life! Write Janice!

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