For this to make sense I should probably fill you in on a couple of things. First I’m a law student at a Christian Law School, I have this habit of procrastinating when I feel like I can actually afford to put something off and this past week I’ve been on a scheduled fall break.

At the beginning of the week I had high hopes that this week off would be both relaxing and productive. However my procrastination got the better of me and this week I’ve done almost nothing productive. I’ve also done almost nothing spiritually. When class is in session there is a devotional before every class and a chapel for law students, not to mention the fact that on my way to class I’ve recently begun listening to a podcast that reads through the New Testament in forty days on my way to and from school. This past week I had none of that and although I had plenty of time to read my Bible or devotion and pray I didn’t. Why? Because I got so caught up in doing nothing that I kept putting it off saying I would get to it later. But sitting here and thinking about this has led to another realization.  Even when I am in school I’m not really setting aside time for God in my schedule, yes I’m going to church and Bible study; Chapel and I’m paying attention in class to the Professor or student led devotions but I’m not spending time where it’s just me and God, where I’m reading and praying and trying to grow in my faith, my schedule has time carved out for it but I don’t think I’ve ever actually used the time for what I originally planned I always used the excuse that I was too busy or that I was too tired, but now looking back over the last week I’m not really sure why my “quiet time” has been overrun by other pursuits like reading for class, or checking out what’s going on Facebook.

So I’ve decided that I’m going to revisit my schedule and see if I can actually stick to it this time, at least as far as having a “quiet time” goes. Who knows maybe it will help me not procrastinate on reading cases.

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