ON Scripture

By Rev. Dr. Eric D. Barreto Why do we repeat adages we know are false? Why do we deceive ourselves with seemingly soothing words that instead burn invisible scars upon us? Why do we persist in the deception that words cannot harm? Watch the Video: ON Scripture: Speech Can Unite or Divide The Rev. Dr.…

By Margaret Aymer Poor people. These are the two words underlying much of the political arguments coming across the airwaves right now. There is great discussion about “Medicaid,” “Medicare,” “The Affordable Care Act [aka Obamacare or Romneycare],” “Welfare,” “Big Government” and “Social Security. But two words rarely heard in the 2012 political campaign: poor people.…

By Dirk G. Lange Human beings want religion not God. Or, to put it slightly differently (and perhaps in a more nuanced manner!), they all too easily equate religion with a very particular, culturally determined, idea of God. They name their religion – their rites, their laws, their stories – divine or Bible-based. They find…

By Karoline Lewis Broken Promises Imagine being introduced for the first time, not by your name or what you have done, but in reference to what you will do. Such is the case for Judas in the closing section of chapter six in John’s Gospel, “For Jesus knew from the first who were the ones…

By Dr. Walter Brueggemann The old king, David, is dead. It is time to pick his successor as king. In retrospect it seems obvious that his son, Solomon, was his rightful heir. In the moment, however, the matter of succession to the throne is highly contested. Two sons of David, Solomon and Adonijah, are both…

By Dr. Karyn L. Wiseman Sometimes when I read a biblical text, it makes almost perfect sense to me. Other times, the author’s intent seems fairly obvious so I get a good feeling about what I am reading. Watch the Video:  ON Scripture: Jesus Is the Bread of Life Barbara K. Lundblad, Professor of Preaching at…

By Rev. Dr. Eric D. Barreto Every Bible ought to have a warning on its cover. Watch the Video: ON Scripture: Nathan Rebukes David Eric Barreto, an assistant professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary, expands on the story of King David, Bathsheba, and a man called Nathan who rebukes the king.

By Melissa Browning This past week, more than 20,000 people met in our nation’s capital for the 2012 International AIDS Conference. Activists, doctors, people living with HIV and AIDS, development workers, theologians, social scientists and all kinds of folks attended this event. Watch ON Scripture: King David and Bathsheba Commentator Robert Alter notes that David’s…

By Rev. Eric C. Shafer August 2005. Hurricane Katrina had struck New Orleans and help had not yet arrived for several days. The televised images are nearly seven years old, but they continue to be vivid in my mind. Thousands of people, mostly poor African Americans, were stranded outside of the Louisiana Superdome and the…

By Rev. James M. Childs John the Baptist was convicted, convinced of his ordination to prepare the way of the Messiah with a call to repentance. Herod Antipas was conflicted, assailed by contradictory impulses within himself and vulnerable to pressures outside himself. Watch the Video: ON Scripture: Death of John the Baptist Barbara K. Lundblad,…

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