
This week on the ID Project podcast is Part 1 of an inspiring Guest Lecture by Father Thomas Ryan. In it, he leads our community through a form of Christian Contemplative Meditation known as Lectio Divina (“Active Listening”).  He also provides some historical background that highlights many of the shared goals between Buddhism and Contemplative Christian Practice.  “Continue reading” below for a text breakdown of the Lectio Divina process.

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Our brand spankin’ new podcast intro music is courtesy of Kodomo, and 5 points records.  Please check out his website and share the beautiful tunes.

Many thanks to OM Yoga Center and the Trust for the Meditation Process for their financial support in helping to make this “Sit Down, Rise Up” Guest Lecture Possible.

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Stages of Lectio Divina

Statio – Coming to Rest, Sitting.
Lectio – Reading or Listening to passage of scripture until something jumps out at you and “Touches the heart”.
Meditatio – Reflect on what you might be being invited to hear. Ask yourself : “How does this apply to my life now?”
Oratio – Feeling at the level of affectivity.   Allow the words to touch your deepest self and talk back to your heart.
Contemplatio –  Natural emergence of space, contentment, simply coming to be.  (Similar to Shamata practice)
Collatio –  Sharing of meditation experience with a spiritual community (Sangha)
Actio – Back in the world into action  (The “Rise Up” half of “Sit Down, Rise Up”)

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