So Judge Sonia Sotomayor, 54 year-old judge from the Bronx, is bound for the Supreme Court  — if President Obama’s Nomination goes through during the confirmation process. Get ready for some lunacy from Mitch McConnell, for sure.


Of course, Sotomayor’s stance on abortion is poised to be a wedge issue. Read Ellen Scordato’s excellent post on Sonia Sotomayor and abortion.

My question is this: what is a Buddhist view of abortion? I am certainly pro-choice, but I don’t buy one left-wing interpretation that because it’s your body, that body exists independent of all other concerns, the very same way that I don’t believe that a libertarian can own a gun without that gun affecting others. We exist interdependently.

People who are anti-war AND anti-abortion make me stand up and take notice because they are a holding what I view as a coherent ethical position. Pro-war, anti-abortion folks confuse me to no end.

What do you think? And what does Judge Sonia Sotomayor think, more importantly?

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