The internet is officially the Coolest Toy Ever. This site, Typealyzer, automatically analyzes the content of a blog and spits out a personality profile of it’s author. Since this is a group blog, the one could assume the result would be less telling; I’ll let you be the judge.
We are:

ESTP – The Doers
The active and play-ful type. They are especially attuned to people and things around them and often full of energy, talking, joking and engaging in physical out-door activities. 
The Doers are happiest with action-filled work which craves their full attention and focus. They might be very impulsive and more keen on starting something new than following it through. They might have a problem with sitting still or remaining inactive for any period of time.

Hmm. “Especially attuned” sounds like meditators and “action-filled work” speaks to our activist bent. Lack of “following it through” certainly applies to me, but “sitting still” is probably something we are all pretty good at.
Head to Typealyzer, plug in your favorite blog, and watch the patterns emerge…
And for those of you who hopped the jump, this is what Typalyzer thinks One City bloggers look like:
estpHuh, I’m pretty cute.

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