In a breathless expose , CNN has revealed the shocking news that the U.S. Air Force has used the faith practiced by four out of five Americans to teach ethics to U.S. airmen.

That just can’t be allowed in CNN’s politically correct world.

“In a lesson designed to teach the Air Force’s core values to ROTC cadets, Christian beliefs such as the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, and the Golden Rule are used as examples of ethical values, CNN has learned,” reports CNN reporter Jennifer Rizzo.

“Slides go on to explain what each of them are, for example listing 7 of the Ten Commandments,” continues Rizzo’s report.

CNN reported that an Air Force ROTC instructor whistleblower came forward with the slides to the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, an atheist activist group, after seeing a CNN report last Wednesday on Christian biblical references and saints’ pictures included in ethics briefings for missile launch officers.

“I felt extremely uncomfortable briefing some of these slides, deleted them, and added what I felt were more relevant examples,” the instructor said in an email to Mikey Weinstein, the foundation’s president.

The instructor, who wishes to not be named due to fear of backlash from the military, claims the lesson was provided by the Air Education and Training Command (AETC), the same unit that oversees the training of the missile launch officers.

David Smith, a spokesman for the Air Force’s Air Education and Training Command, verified the ROTC ethics briefing and said a comprehensive review is underway “of training materials that address morals, ethics, core values and related character development issues to ensure appropriate and balanced use of all religious and secular source material.”

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