Here’s a fun list that came right off the top of my head. Seriously. I was just riding my bike to work and a sheet of paper fell out of a tree as I whooshed by and it landed on my head. It had these fill-in-the-blank questions on it. And since I’m a sucker for questionnaires, I’m gonna complete it.

Feel free to make a meme out of it and take it to your own blog.

What I am listening to right now:
“Nos Da Cariad” from David Gray’s Life in Slow Motion

What computer I am using right now:
A 20-in. iMac G5, the white kind before they got all silvery and cool.

What I am eating right now:
The bitten-off last part of a strawberry-and-creme flavored Lifesaver sucker, which is the best hard candy product in the world. (I have a story about these I will tell later.)

What I am drinking right now:

What I have just finished doing:
Spending my lunch break at the pool with my family.

What I will do immediately after posting this:
Design signs for the preschool hallway at my church.

What I am reading now:
Finding God in Unexpected Places, by Philip Yancey
My Beautiful Idol, by Pete Gall

Last email/text I received:
It was from Tonia Chapman, who got second place in the Fake Band Names contest.

Last email/text I sent:
To the place where I keep my boxes of Pocket Guide to the Bible, so they could pull a couple of boxes for me to pick up.

Last blog entry I read:
Today’s post from my friend Matt’s blog. Even if you don’t know Matt and his story, his blog is a good one to read. I always leave it feeling two things: 1) Sadness, because that’s the appropriate response when a wife and mother die too young; and 2) Inspiration to hug my kids more, hug my wife more, appreciate life more.

What I did last night:
Went to my 5-year-old son’s tee-ball game in 106-degree heat. While wearing jeans.

What I’m doing tonight:
Going to my 8-year-old daughter’s volleyball game. It’s inside. Yay.

What I just looked at right now:
The fake ficus tree behind my computer.

Your turn. Comment below or blog it yourself.

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