Oh My Stars

The last two Signs of the Zodiac are a strange neighborhood, but those Signs are strange in different ways. Both are high-minded and follow their ideals, often aggressively (Mars rules aggression). Odds are good you’ll find one or both of these Mars placements to be a little strange. The following summations should help you get…

Mars is where you get your bollocks from. Named after the God of War, the Red Planet has been a popular source of fictional invaders over the years, and that’s appropriate: Mars has a lot to do with your drives, your ambitions, and your temper. Mars also has a lot to do with your sex…

It’s been a rough week for comedians. On Tuesday, TMZ.com published a picture of her holding a bloodied Donald Trump mask as if she were waving his severed head around. Then, on Friday, Real Time host Bill Maher (in conversation with Senator Bill Sasee) in which Maher referred to himself as — oh, it involves…

Signs that are next door to each other are generally pretty different, but odd couples don’t come much more odd than Libra and Scorpio. Libra is all about prettiness and relationships, and Scorpio has a reputation for being… well, Scorpio. Mars can make trouble wherever it shows up in a birth chart if one doesn’t…

A typical horoscope lays out what you can expect for yourself in the next week or month based on your Sun Sign. That sort of thing is great, sure… especially if you happen to be the only person on your planet. Astrology, like life in general, is a lot more complicated than “there are twelve…

Here’s the most important astrological forecast of the month. Really? Yes! Why? Knowing when the Moon Void of Course is happening is probably the handiest of all the common astrological techniques. Learn it, make it work for you, and save yourself tons of unnecessary aggravation! Seriously: you want to see what REAL astrology can REALLY…

Supposedly, Leo is really big on dramatic flair and Virgo is all about precision. That’s generally true, but if your Mars is is one of those Signs or the other, you are bound to find your way to be annoying isn’t welcome in either case. Sure — Mars has its uses, and a well-behaved Mars…

What would we do without all the wonderful, exciting this Mars in our birth chart does for us? There would  be no sex, there would be no ambition, and there would be no deep-frying or chopping things up. That’s why I’ve invited Special Guest Astrologer, Chef Gordon Ramsay (sure, he’s also an astrologer, why not?)…

On Monday evening at about 10:34 PM local time, an unidentified man set off an explosive device at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. As of this writing, 22 people are dead and about 60 are injured. (Reports vary as to the time of the explosion, from “about 10:30 PM” or shortly afterwards. Since…

Mars is where you get your bollocks from. Named after the God of War, the Red Planet has been a popular source of fictional invaders over the years, and that’s appropriate: Mars has a lot to do with your drives, your ambitions, and your temper. Mars also has a lot to do with your sex…

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