What an interesting time to be a Libra! First of all, Libra (like Virgo) has a tendency to be treated a little like one of the “middle children” of the Zodiac. Not bold and out there like Aries through Leo, and not up to… whatever the heck it is Scorpio through Pisces think they’re doing.…

This Tuesday, Facebook announced that it would be entering the booming business of cryptocurrency by creating/backing what they are calling “Libra.” For those of you unfamiliar with “cryptocurrency”: it’s basically money without a physical form, unlike the currency issued by governments.. I’m going to be upfront with you all about this… I inherently don’t believe…

Libras have a reputation for being generally pleasant, and for wanting to make their environments and the people in them as comfortable and/or “pretty” as possible. There is a certain amount of truth to that, but never forget that Libras are humans first, and as a result can be just as pushy and obnoxious as…

Libras have a reputation for being generally nice and pleasant, and for wanting to make their environments and the people in them as comfortable and/or “pretty” as possible. There is a certain amount of truth to that, but never forget that Libras are humans first, and as a result can be just as pushy and…

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