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Riccardo Annandale

Man Code entries are designed for parents or adults seeking to mold young boys into strong Christian men. Previous entries can be found here.

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. Matthew 16:25

Son, there’s a lie out there, a big fat lie that that is so accepted by so many people that it seems like it must be true, but it isn’t. The lie is that the more you obtain the more valuable you are. If you can make more money, buy nicer cars, have the latest gadgets, or if you can become famous, then you win. If your friend has a PS4 and you’re still stuck with a PS3, somehow he’s a little better than you. Or if you convince your parents to buy you the latest iPhone before everyone else, that gives you the ability to feel like you’re a little better than everyone else. It’s all a lie.

Here’s how you can tell this: listen carefully the next time you attend a funeral. I know funerals are not much fun to attend, especially if it’s a funeral for someone you love. But when people stand up and share the best parts about the person that just passed away, the parts that they cherish, the things they’ll remember the most, here’s what you’ll never hear: “I always remember that he had the biggest truck with the biggest tires in town. It was so cool!” or “The thing I’ll remember the most about grandma is how she owned every video game for the Xbox One.” When we leave this world, we won’t be remembered for our stuff, the things we bought for ourselves. In fact, it’s just the opposite. We’ll be remembered for what we gave away. The true value of a life is determined by how much of it you give away.

Here’s what you’re much more likely to hear at a funeral, “I loved my mom because she was always there for me” or “I appreciate Jim as a coworker because he always helped me out. One time he spent an entire weekend helping me finish a big project I was working on” or “I’ll always remember my dad because he taught me what it means to be a man and how to love and care for my family.” When a person dies, the things what we value the most, the things that we celebrate the most, the things we’ll remember and cherish is how much time, energy, money and resources that person gave to us. That’s why Jesus said in Matthew 16:25 that if you really want to find out what life is all about, start giving it away. If you lose your life by serving others, you’ll discover what true life really is.

Son, it never gets any easier to start giving your life away and serving other people. So start right now!

QUESTION: What are some practical things you can do to serve others and start giving your life away?

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