
Every kid asks questions. In fact, every child will ask questions to the point where all we want as parents and adults is a few minutes of peace and quiet:

“Can we go there?”
“Can I have that?”
“Why do I have to go to bed?”
“Why do I have to go to school?”

In the midst of the overwhelming amount of questions your kids will ask, here are four critical questions that every kid needs answered, and needs answered well:

What are the boundaries? Every child needs both love and limits, and how we can love the kids in our lives best is when we strike a healthy, biblical balance between the two.

Do you love me? This question is not answered with words but with actions. We best reach our children’s hearts through grace, attention, and unconditional love.

Will you be there for me? Once again, actions speak louder than words on this one. Your kids need presence, not presents. You need to present for your kids through consistency, intentionally instructing and guiding them and by staying engaged.

How can I win the big battles? Every kid will face big battles: responsibility, purity, character, faith. Parents and mentors must commit to stand alongside our kids, encouraging them to fight the fight.

QUESTION: What are other key questions that every kid needs answered?

*if you would like to hear sermons on these questions, please click here.

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