First, Joel Campbell at the Mormon Times (the online site sponsored by the Deseret News), with “HBO Big Love response shows ethical lapses, arrogance.” Campbell takes HBO and Big Love producers to task for “cross[ing] a very bright ethical line” by airing, in an upcoming episode, a scene set inside an LDS temple and depicting LDS temple ceremonies. Campbell suggests the series knowingly blurs the distinction between the LDS Church and fringle polygamist groups.

Vince Horiuchi at the Salt Lake Tribune wrote a response to Campbell’s column disputing the charge the show blurs identities.

The producers have done a very good job of making sure viewers are not confusing the polygamists with the mainstream church members. This season, Bill Henrickson’s (the polygamist played by Bill Paxton) brother in law is an LDS stake president and clearly at odds with the polygamous sect. Another LDS character is a loyal and understanding friend of one of Bill’s daughters who does not condone the practice of polygamy despite her strong friendship.

You might also want to read Horiuchi’s earlier post “Lotta Love for Big Love, Part 2,” to get a better idea of what the episode is about. But I have to be honest … his post with the new trailer for the upcoming Star Trek movie is more fun than either column. It’s Top Gun in the 24th century: Maverick gets a starship. Big Love will come and go, but Star Trek will always be with us.

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