I missed this Newsweek article when it came out on January 1, but I’ve heard a bunch of mentions of it just recently. It’s another high profile exposure for mindfulness. The article is entitled, “Mindfulness Meditation Rediscovered.” A curious title, since that rediscovery took place at the very least 30-some years ago when Jon Kabat-Zinn started the Stress Reduction Clinic. The rediscovery took stronger hold when Bill Moyer’s featured Jon’s work in the series, Healing and the Mind.  It’s certainly not the only  high profile article that has appeared recently.

A 2003 Time Cover story featured the Science of Meditation.Unfortunately, the text of this article no longer seems to be available online. There is another brief Time Magazine piece on meditation that appeared in 2006.

New York Times Magazine Section article by Jennifer Egan

National Geographic cover story that featured Richard Davidson’s work with Tibetan monks.

This is not the last we’ll be seeing mindfulness in the public eye. Each feature article, research study, book, conference, and individual meditating brings the revolution a bit closer to fruition.



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