My work revolves around seeing the bigger picture – of why we are here, of who we are, and why we are in each other’s lives. I look at core life lessons and at Spiritual agreements. A Spiritual agreement is the agreement that two or more people have to interact in life, to help each other work on core life lessons, and to learn, heal and grow.

When it comes to our Spiritual Agreements with our children, these are some of the deepest, most profound agreements and it is never a ‘one-way street’. Your children have just as much to teach you as you have to teach them.

The way in which our agreements play out though aren’t always easy or pretty, but the reason for that is because most people are unconscious to what they are trying to learn and heal. It is through our learning and healing that we grow and evolve in our conscious awareness.

If we can see what we are working on with our kids and also help them to see what they are working on with us, our relationships can be much more balanced and we will experience far less struggle. Unconscious lesson learning requires a push/pull dynamic. Take out the unconsciousness and we begin to learn our lessons in completely different ways, without needing another to push against.

Here are a few examples of Spiritual agreements:

A life lesson for your child is to learn how to validate herself; to learn how to be fulfilled from within.

  •  To learn this lesson unconsciously she may have parents who don’t see her and can’t see her, forcing her to find her own sense of self-worth.
  • As a conscious parent, if you are aware of this lesson, instead of acting as an unconscious catalyst for growth, you can help your child to learn ways to value who she is.

A life lesson for you is to have patience

  •  To learn this lesson unconsciously you may have a child who tries your patience day-in-and-day-out.
  • With awareness of this life lesson, you can explore what triggers your impatiences and work to heal it without any involvement from your child. (check out my post Insight: How to Have Patience – Life As A Conscious Mom.)

Today we have the opportunity to move through our lives fully conscious, having an awareness of what we are working on and how the people in our lives help us learn these lessons.

© 2012 Christine Agro

Remember, join me at The Conscious Mom’s Guide for more insight, guidance and to connect with a growing group of conscious parents.

If you are interested in exploring your own Spiritual Agreements with your child, join me at The Conscious Mom’s Guide for a special talk on the topic and you’ll have an opportunity to ask me for insight into one of your agreements with your child during the Q&A.

Have questions about your child or need support? Christine offers private readings as well as on-line support at The Consicous Mom’s Guide

Christine Agro is a clairvoyant, naturopath, Master Herbalist, conscious mom and author of 50 Ways to Live Life Consciously as well as of The Conscious Living Wisdom Cards (Special Moms’ Edition). Christine is founder of The Conscious Mom’s Guide , a membership site where she helps support you on your own journey of living life consciously and on your journey of being a Conscious parent. You can also join Christine on Facebook. To contact Christine, invite her to speak or to schedule an appointment with her please email her

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