Letting Go with Guy Finley

Question: Why does it feel so good to give in to depression? And why is it so hard to see the truth that wallowing in sadness in fact does us no good? Answer: We value negative states because of the strong sense of self we get from them. This may be very difficult for us to…

Part I: Being anxious, always in a rush and racing after whatever it is we’ve imagined will help us to be more at peace with ourselves, is like running to catch the shadow of a passing cloud on a hot summer’s day so that we get to stand in a cool spot! Part II: Rushing…

In this short talk, Guy Finley talks about how a higher awareness of “our world” makes it impossible to punish, judge or be against another person. Click here to listen to this podcast “Awaken to a New and Higher World Within Yourself”

Just as we cannot hope to catch and keep a cooling breeze on a hot summer’s eve, but only stand still there — grateful for the moment of its passing — neither can we take hold of what is True or born of Love. Like the flame of a candle that comforts us on a…

Summer is a secret time of sacrifice; it marks nature’s perpetual passage from one form into another. The evidence is everywhere: flowers shed their petals to reveal the baby fruits hidden in their buds, even as other maturing fruits ripen to reach maximum sweetness, only to fall to the ground as food for those who…

Every human being has degrees of the faults that all other human beings either exhibit or have found ways to mask. This is why we should “love our enemies.” What we see in them reveals us to ourselves as we are, not as we dream ourselves to be. There is a very distinct and equally…

Seeing the pain in others, the suffering of this dark and debilitated world of ours, can awaken one of two impressions in a human being: a sense of resentment-tinged confusion about what kind of God allows for such darkness, or a sense of compassion, of realizing the inherent suffering involved in the mortal experience. The…

Sometimes one has to fight for what is right. Sometimes there is no other way to meet any injustice the moment brings than with the intention of setting it right. The task though (and the trick!) is to take whatever actions are necessary without allowing negativity to seep into oneself. Hatred, resentment, judging the character…

Here’s a beautiful lesson in invisible justice, one that will help you let go of any revenge-filled, self-tangling thought. We need never concern ourselves with whether or not some wrongdoer will get his just due. Here’s why: any person who does wrong to another is already punished. More correctly stated, anyone who acts unjustly in…

Question: I love the truth but, truth be told, I struggle every day of my life to remember it in moments I really need to! Though I don’t like the thought, lately I’m beginning to think that maybe my relationship with Truth/Light is more imagined than real… but I’m in the dark about this! Any…

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