It seems to me that the main reason we suffer, as we do — over the things we do — is not because these things, in themselves, have the “power” to punish us, but rather because we forget in these moments that who we really are cannot feel “punished” without having forgotten that God is good.

This last idea can be stated this way: It is forgetting the truth of ourselves that keeps us in the prison of unwanted states. It’s not unlike standing outside in a raging storm because, for the moment, usually due to resisting our circumstances, something in us “forgets” that we have a home we can return to where we’ll be safe and warm. To discover the nature of this forgetfulness is the first step in reclaiming one’s right to be free.

Freedom is not created, which means it cannot be destroyed any more than the onset of night destroys the light of the sun; and we are “nearer” this true freedom for which we hope each time we remember the truth of this fact.

We must literally learn to shake off the forgetfulness born of allowing negative states to provide us with their memories, otherwise we have no choice but to be the captive of that limited level of mechanical consciousness. It’s imperative that we see the truth of this last idea for ourselves. When one is angry, what real choices does one have? We see and do what anger “remembers” as being good and viable. Darkness is our guide. Small wonder that we seem to see what needs to be done, and never see our undoing at its hands!

Stop giving your life away to what amounts to unconscious “memories.” Choose instead to be present, remember yourself, and therein allow God to show you the true nature of goodness.

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