In this podcast, Guy Finley talks about the importance of understanding the need to awaken from spiritual sleep.


Many of us have perhaps had the experience of accidentally nodding off while driving on the freeway. After coming awake, we suddenly realize with tremendous alarm that we just fell asleep in a vehicle moving at 80 miles per hour. At that point we do whatever we have to do to make sure that we do not fall asleep again.

Spiritually speaking, it is far more dangerous to be asleep in a daydream of some kind — drifting along in the river of thought toward the inevitable waterfall — than it is to nod off behind the wheel of a moving car. From seeing the truth of this comes the impetus to be more inwardly awake, because whether we are aware of it or not, something within us is busy creating a life of its own at our expense. Each “crash” we have with life proves there’s no one behind the wheel!

Do we want to be the puppet of an unconscious dream that is created in our name, or do we want to be in conscious command of what unfolds around and within us? The clearer it becomes to us how dangerous it is to be spiritually asleep, the more we will work to remember what we want to remember. Then gradually we cease to agree to turn our lives over to destructive negative states.

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