I’m delighted top have Friedemann Schaub MD., Ph.D., the founder of Cellular Wisdom, back as my guest today. He works with people to help them improve their health using both inner tools and his medical background.  I’m also thrilled to be part of the launch for his new book, The Fear and Anxiety Solution. His…

Fear inhibits expressing your feelings, asking for a promotion, letting people go, saying “no” to requests, and many other things. Everyone experiences it. It can be subconscious or subtle. Nowadays reality shows encourage fighting fear. People survive eating pig’s innards and bugs. If they can get beyond it, so can you! Francois de La Rochefoucauld…

Fear can be stronger than glue in keeping you stuck in many ways. Most DoorMats please everyone because they’re scared of not getting approval. Fear of loneliness also motivates staying a DoorMat. Fear kept me stuck in DoorMatville for many years on many levels. Often I didn’t even know what scared me but I was…

We all have fear sometimes, some of us more than others. Since life can be unpredictable, things come up that you don’t expect and can create anxiety. Even with all my faith I still occasionally get scared, especially by situations that come from left field that I’m not prepared for. You can’t get rid of…

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