LOAlogoBLOGThis is post 261 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to manifest your desires.. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how.

Wanting to lose weight seems to be a national pastime. I encounter few people who wouldn’t like to lose at least a little. I’ve had women whose bodies looked perfect to me show me something that jiggles or a spot that could be smaller. Yet with all this desire to make the number on the scale go down, it doesn’t happen for a majority of people. I think it’s because they want instant gratification—for the weight to come off fast, which isn’t realistic. They keep trying the latest fad diets hoping for a quick fix. When it doesn’t come, they get discouraged and give up.

Or you may work extra had at your job with the intention of moving up in the company but it might seem like no one notices. That can make you discouraged about your chances of a promotion and you consider slacking off. You  may have only stepped up your game a few weeks ago but you want to be acknowledged for your good work. People look for quick fixes and results for a variety of things. Craving instant gratification can leave you with a host of negative emotions, such as:

•    Regret. You may feel like you wasted your time and effort trying to lose weight or get a promotion.

•    Disappointment. If, you take a job and expect to work your way to a position of earning a huge amount of money in six months but you’ve only gotten some small bonuses, it can bring you down.

•    Pain. If you’re anxious to get married fast and put those hopes onto the first person you meet who seems like a good match for you and jump in without taking the time to get to know him or her well, you my feel hurt when promises of commitment don’t come quickly and you take it personally, instead of giving the relationship time to grow. It can lead to behavior that turns your partner off.

•    Frustration. If you only lose a half pound a week, you may not feel you isn’t worth continuing. A piece of cake might seem more rewarding than a minimal weight loss. But losing a half pound week means twenty-six pounds year, which is significant.

•    Hopeless. If you don’t get what you want fast, you can start feeling hopeless about ever getting it.

All of these negative feelings create a negative vibration that won’t help you manifest what you want. Looking for quick fixes or instant gratification can leave you feeling down when you don’t get it. And it tells the Universe that you don’t trust that you’ll get what you want, and aren’t willing to wait for the right time to manifest it so you probably won’t. Patience is key to countering those negative feelings. If you don’t develop patience you may lose your motivation to go after something that you can get if you’re willing to wait for the Law of Attraction to help you get it at the right time.

Always remember that the Law of Attraction works for your highest good. Your body may need to take off weight slowly. There may be a more lucrative job opportunity opening up in two months.  The best romantic partner may be getting ready to come into your life. Stop looking for instant gratification and trust that you’ll get hat you want when it’s best or your highest good. That’s how to get the best results from the Law of Attraction.

See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series HERE.

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