Many people  live in the future—postponing the enjoyment of life until something you’d like happens. It gives your daydreams control over happiness right now. We think about how nice it will be when we meet the romantic partner of our dreams, or find that perfect job, or get the body we long for or a million other things we hope for.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting those things. I do. And when I was a DoorMat I lived in my dreams, waiting for my Prince Charming to take me away and for the fat fairy to make me slim. All of this reinforced being unhappy with what I had and who I was. Fortunately I’ve learned that what’s most important is what I have and who I am right now. Looking to the future to find happiness kept me from enjoying my life in the present. No more! I still have big dreams but keep them in a positive perspective.

I’m currently not in a relationship. I’d love to be with a man who makes me happy. But I see this man as a sweet addition to my already sweet life. I don’t feel lacking for not having a boyfriend. I truly believe that when the time is right I’ll meet a great guy. But in the meantime, my life is still satisfying and full of joy. For years I lived to meet a guy who’d complete me. No more! I understand that what’s in the future will come soon enough and when it does, I’ll enjoy it. But my life is now and now I’m happy solo.

Many of my clients come to me and say they’re waiting for the person or weight loss or better job or other external things to come before they can be happy with themselves and their lives, which is counterproductive. When you work on your inner peace, life improves because you begin to appreciate where you are right now, not where you hope to be some day. The best way to accomplish this is to make the effort to love yourself. The more you do, the more your happiness comes form an internal place, not from wishful thinking about what can happen in the future.

Step into today. What do you have now that’s good? Appreciate it! Make an effort to improve the person you are. Do good things for other people. Be someone you’re proud of, not for your body or ability to earn money but for your integrity and good heart. The more you enjoy your life in the moment, the more likely you’ll be to find more joy. When you stop waiting for things in the future to make you happy, you can find happiness inside you right now!

Take the 31 Days of Self-Love Challenge and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at And you can post your loving acts HERE to reinforce your intention to love yourself. Read my 31 Days of Self-Love Posts HERE.

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