A while ago I read about someone who consciously said “thanks” for everything he experienced for an entire day. I thought that was a great idea and decided to do it. I didn’t remember my goal for a few hours after I woke up. When I did, I began to express appreciation for everything I could think of, however small, that was around me. After an hour or so I was distracted and stopped. I began to get frustrated when realizing it was not as easy as it sounds.

You’d think that if you decide to give thanks for a whole day it should just happen once you begin. But getting interrupted by telephone calls, being immersed in work, or a million other things can throw you off the thanks course. I tried it a few times and loved it. Saying thanks for EVERYTHING made me feel good. It was fun to look for things to give thanks for. But life gets in the way.

My most consistent period of thanks came on New Year’s Day. I was invited to an open house several miles away and decided to walk. During the long walk, which included some stops along the way, I said thanks for the girl who walked past me and smiled, for the trees, for seeing a cute baby and every little thing I appreciated. The sky was crystal clear that day and I said thanks for it many times on that walk. Normally I’d notice the sky and then it becomes part of the background of my life. That day my appreciation for it was tenfold!

As I walked down the street, looking at the sky energized me. My awareness was heightened about how beautiful it was and my gratitude for the sky was off the charts. I was determined to keep up giving thanks but once I got to my friend’s house, gratitude mode was gone in the wave of people I interacted with. I did talk about the awesome sky to several people.

I’ve tried to have a day of giving thanks for everything several times more but couldn’t do it for long. I will keep trying because when I do it, life feels better. I become thankful for the chair I’m sitting on and the fork that carries food to my mouth. I’m thankful for my computer that allows me to write and the coffee I drink. I look for things to give thanks for when I’m in gratitude mode, and find them!

I highly recommend trying to give thanks for everything and everyone around you for a whole day. Even if you just do it for an hour you’ll enjoy the benefits. The more you give thanks, the more you attract things to be thankful for. I will keep trying to begin the day with thanks and keep on going. If you do it, please share your experience below.

Take the 31 Days of Self-Love Challenge and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at http://howdoiloveme.com. And you can post your loving acts HERE to reinforce your intention to love yourself. Read my 31 Days of Self-Love Posts HERE.

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