This is post 168 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to attract all that you need. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how.

It’s time again, the time when everyone makes resolutions for 2012. It’s fun to imagine doing all the things you couldn’t do this year as the calendar magically ushers in a new year. But there is no magic in it. Nothing changes in your life because you recite your resolutions with fellow partiers who are reciting theirs or you like the idea of making resolutions. Things change because you take action to make the changes.

Making resolutions always disappointed me when I got myself excited and then was let down because they didn’t come to pass. Year after year I’d resolve that this would be the year to get what I wanted, especially to get out of DoorMatville. But the things that keep you stuck will continue to do so until you add actions to your resolutions. Making them can be detrimental if they don’t come to pass and you feel disillusioned, let down, and hopeless about ever getting what you want.

The key to getting what you want is to focus on setting intentions and taking ACTION instead of waiting for the magic of a new year to do it for you, because it won’t!

Resolutions tend to be goals you make in the heat of the New Year moment. They’re often things you want but put off doing. It’s so much easier to believe when the New Year comes you’ll miraculous diet and lose weight, make a bigger effort to find a new job, write the book you’ve had in your head for years, find the romantic partner of your dreams, etc. But if nothing is done differently, nothing changes and you can feel bad when you realize that.

The only New Years Resolution I’ve made for many years is to do my best to live up to my potential. During that time I’ve accomplished more than I ever did by setting specific intentions and using the tools that get the Law of Attractions working with me. I build up my vibration by getting myself excited about manifesting. I keep it in my thoughts often and when I’m home alone, almost scream about what’s coming. That tells the Universe I truly expect it. I also let go of any negative thoughts and make sure my words are all positive.

And I take action that shows I’m serious about getting what I want. When I’m cleaning like I discussed in my post on Throwing Stuff Out, I affirm that I’m making room for what I want. When I pass on a second cookie or go for a run, I affirm that I’m doing it to help my body weigh less. Sometimes I visualize myself having what I’m intending to have. Keeping your intentions on your mind makes them stronger.

Strong intentions bring results. And they shouldn’t begin on New Years day. Start right now! Take concrete steps toward your intentions. Join a gym and mark the days you’re going in January on your calendar. Begin polishing your resume. Start an outline for your book. Get out more to meet new people who might lead you to someone to date. You don’t have to go overboard, but consciousness about your intentions makes them more powerful. Setting realistic intentions instead of making bold resolutions with no actions helps the Law of Attraction to work for you!

See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series HERE.

Take the 31 Days of Self-Love Challenge and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at And you can post your loving acts HERE to reinforce your intention to love yourself. Read my 31 Days of Self-Love Posts HERE.

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