I’ve always found that cleaning can empower you. It gives you control over your environment and yourself for doing it. Often making changes can seem difficult, and it’s hard to get started. That’s why I advocate taking baby steps for everything you set out to do. I used to be the queen of clutter and still can get buried in stuff when I’m not careful. Looking around my apartment can seem overwhelming. But now that I do it in very small doses, it gets done.

That’s why my tip is to clean out ONE drawer. Just one. Set aside just a little time to go through one and get rid of anything unnecessary. Then arrange everything to look neater.

One drawer is more do-able than a whole room! When I cleaned my first drawer, I felt a sense of accomplishment because it looked so nice. I had control over this drawer and enjoyed tossing stuff I really didn’t need! It motivated to clean another drawer. Slowly, I cleaned and organized my bedroom and then tackled the rest of my place. Every time I open a draw that looks neat, I feel good. While I don’t always keep it that way, I continue to try harder to straighten things regularly.

Taking control of your environment says, “I love me!”

Do it one drawer at a time. Start with the easiest one. The more you do, the easier it gets and the more that gets done. Looking at a neater living space makes you feel better about yourself. So go clean a drawer, any drawer! Enjoy the empowerment it gives you.

Take the self-love challenge and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at http://howdoiloveme.com. And you can post your loving acts HERE to reinforce your intention to love yourself. Read my 31 Days of Self-Love Posts HERE.

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