Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for * LOA logo2.jpgThis is post 125 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to attract all that you need. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how.

I try to help others when I can. That includes supporting fellow writers. Yet many people are hesitant to help their colleagues, or even think supporting people who do what they do will hurt them so they avoid it. Do you believe helping someone who does the same job as you might help them advance and they’ll get more than you? Do you see colleagues as competition? Drop those kinds of thoughts! There is always a place for talented or skilled people.

Helping others helps you because it tells the Universe that you’re supportive and attracts support for you!

Musicians come to me for consulting on their careers. When I ask if they’ve got a good circle of other musicians that they help and can get help from, they often say no, believing that they don’t want to share contacts with musicians who might compete with them for gigs. I advise them to lose that mentality. There’s room for all talent! If you’re good, whether at music or whatever your profession is, there will be a place for you.

No one is your competition when you look at it with a spiritual perspective.

Not reaching out to others who do similar work attracts a lack of support. Plus, you lose out on the mega-benefits that helping others attracts. Musicians who work together can share fans who will buy both albums and one can open for the other at gigs. Your work colleague can give you tips you never thought of and vice versa. I help other authors all the time, even those who write on topics that are similar to my books. When you believe in your talent or ability, you don’t have to worry about someone you helped taking your place.

If someone you help uses you and then stabs you in the back or does something unethical, they’ll get it returned to them!

I know I’m a good writer and my books are valuable. So I don’t worry that if I give someone a media contact or have them on my blog, people will buy their books over mine. My books stand on their own merit. Helping other authors does attract good opportunities. An author I gave advice to for promoting her new book wrote an article for a big media outlet on the benefits of authors helping each other. She came to me first to be in it. And I suggested other authors to contact who are fabulous.

I could have worried that they’d upstage me. One has done more than I have. Yet I didn’t hesitate a second to recommend her. When the article came out, I was the one featured. Both my latest book and my blog were plugged and I was quoted throughout the article. Every other author just had one quote. Two days later, a popular blog wrote an article based on the one I was in and it was just about me and how I support other writers. They even had a pic of my book! So helping this writer promote her book attracted some great publicity!

Giving support attracts support. It may not come from the person you supported but you get what you need at the right time.

I’ve helped people for years and they ask, “How can I repay you?” I always suggest they pass it on. I didn’t get support returned for a long time since I didn’t need any. Then when I had a new book, people were there to support me. They weren’t the ones I’d supported but I got everything I needed. I continue to support others professionally, because it makes me feel good, not to gain acceptance like I did when I was a DoorMat.

The Universe returns the support you give at the right time for you, from whatever source is best.

Kindness attracts kindness. Support attracts support. Do what you can for others in your professional life without worrying that you’ll lose out. No matter how it may seem or however little the person returns kindness and support to you, the Law of Attraction will pick up on what you do. When you need more support it may come from another source–the one that’s best for you! Even when I wasn’t spiritual I noticed that when I supported others I got support at the right time.

Live as a supportive person–with boundaries on how much you can comfortably give–and you’ll get a lot more!

See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series here.

Take the 31 Days of Self-Love Challenge and get my book, How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways for free at And you can post your loving acts HERE to reinforce your intention to love yourself. Read my 31 Days of Self-Love Posts HERE.

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