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This is post 114 in my series on the Law of Attraction in Action. You CAN use your power to attract all that you need. I do it every day! Read all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series to see how.

We all experience uncertainty sometimes. It can occur when you really want something that you’re not assured of getting, like taking over the position of someone leaving at your job because several people are going after it. Or if you may not be sure of what step to take or how a situation will work out or fear blocks your faith. If things don’t go your way for a period of time, you might lose faith that you can turn it around, and feel uncertain about your future.

Uncertainty is common when situations in your life feel out of your control.

The negative emotions surrounding uncertainty about how things will work out can cloud your spiritual power. Feeling uncertain can make you feel a little lost, or out of synch. It can make you tune out on signs the Universe might give you about your next step. The less faith you feel during a time of uncertainty, the more reason to communicate with your higher being and put yourself into His hands. But it’s hard when you’re not thinking clearly.

A common response to uncertainty is anger–at yourself for not being able to figure out what to do or where you’re going.

That’s not loving! It’s normal to feel uncertain. Remind yourself of that! When I was a DoorMat, I had a lot of uncertainty and it kept me scared. A lot revolved around whether or not people would continue to be friends with me. Whenever I wanted to go somewhere, I felt uncertain until I got someone to agree to go with me, often because I was treating. In other words, I bought their company to stop uncertainty for the moment.

I had no faith back then. My whole life felt uncertain since there were few people I could count on. Having no backup can keep you living a constant state of uncertainty. It becomes a negative vicious cycle if you’re uncertainty about people not being there for you triggers more people pleasing behavior. People pleasers don’t expect anyone to be there for them, so they aren’t. Hence, a cycle of giving without receiving creates uncertainty that makes you try to please people even more. Break that cycle by going within!

Faith is the antidote for uncertainty. As your faith gets stronger, it can be eased.

Uncertainty can pass quickly when you accept that there’s nothing uncertain about counting on your spiritual power to get your through any situation in ways that are best for your highest good. If you feel uncertain, identify what specifically is causing these feelings. When you give them some thought, look for ways to use your spiritual power to diffuse the fear and other negative emotions.

When you’re more certain about feeling spiritually supported, you’ll begin to feel more certain about things working out.

Uncertainly begins as a momentary emotion. It can hit you suddenly. Then it’s up to you whether you hold onto it or let the Universe know you expect everything to work out for your highest good. I hear the word uncertainty used a lot in this economic climate. But it’s your choice to embrace uncertainty and make it your reality. Or, you can choose to believe that no matter what’s going on around you, you’ll be okay. I choose the latter. My economy is doing well because I EXPECT it to.

The Law of Attraction will reinforce your feelings of uncertainty, or help you go forward confidently.

It’s YOUR choice–YOUR call–YOUR expectations–YOUR life. Succumb to doubts about what will result or expect the result you want, despite what’s going on. The latter will get you through whatever is going on so you can come out on top, getting what’s best for your highest good.

See all the posts in my Law of Attraction in Action Series here.

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