Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, enjoy the season! People are in better moods around this time and more conscious of the spirit of giving. That’s great to experience, no matter what your religious beliefs.

Besides the religious aspects, there are many things to celebrate this week, no matter what your religion, or lack of one. Pay attention to these great perks of the holiday season:

* We’re surrounded by sparkly pretty decorations. I love walking around during Christmas. The shops and some houses are all dressed up. That puts my in a better mood. Just today I heard a TV newscaster say how much he enjoys going to work because of all the gorgeous decorations. New York City truly dresses up in grandeur. It always puts I smile on my face, even in the rain.

* Great sales in most stores. Nowadays, the sales start well before Christmas. Since stores tend to get crowded, I go shopping for the big markdowns right after the holiday. I don’t make a list for Santa. Mine is to take with me to Macy’s, so I can buy all the things I know I need at a fraction of their original price.

* Time off. While some folks have jobs that need to be done on Christmas, a majority of us have more time off, religious or not. Since I’m my boss, I can take off whenever I choose. But I actually love to write during the holidays, since it’s quieter—a time that I get less emails and have fewer obligations. I’m lucky that I find writing FUN! I do feel MUCH MORE relaxed until January 2nd. And I will take more time to have fun. My boss wants me to enjoy! ?

* People are friendlier. There’s a lovely cheer to this season. Maybe it’s partly because people go to church more and feel more overtly spiritual, which translates into more kindness and good cheer to others. I see more smiles and less rage.

* The eating is yummy! I cut myself more slack on eating this time of year. I also make sure to get in extra running for balance. Plus, there are just things available that you don’t see the rest of the year. I’ll get ONE pack of something made of marshmallow and covered in chocolate. And, I LOVE gingerbread, which is hard to find at any other time of the year. So I get my fill of that now.

Enjoy this holiday season, in whatever way rocks your world! Keep yourself from getting all bah humbug over aspects you don’t like. Allow yourself to get caught up in the joy of this season so you can enter the new year with a great big happy smile. ?

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