In my last post, Chris Melton talked about how your must walk the walk of your dreams by taking action. It’s easy to dream and hard to enact them. Are you one of those dreamers? I had many back when I lived in DoorMatville but they existed only in my head. I’d smile at the thoughts, then feel down when I couldn’t get myself to act. It made me feel powerless.

Ashleigh Brilliant said, “Good ideas are common—what’s uncommon are people who’ll work hard enough to bring them about.”

We all get good ideas. But only some of us do the work. The more work you do, the more empowered you feel. Chris Melton’s friend designed The Rotator to help his own injured shoulder. It helped with his healing and they decided to manufacture them for sale so that many people could be helped by it. It was a great dream. But Chris helped make it a reality. His passion and belief in the product spurred him on. Slowly, people are finding out how well it works and orders and publicity are coming it.

He didn’t pray for it, or hope for it. Or sit around waiting. He used hard work to make it happen! If you have a dream, ask yourself:

How badly do I want it?
How much work am I WILLING to put into it?

If you just sort of want it, leave it alone. If you’re not willing to do the work, ask yourself why. WILLING is the key word. You may not be ready to go full steam at this moment, but are you WILLING to get into gear to do so? Are you WILLING to consider what needs to be done? If you believe that you are WILLING, say affirmations to get you in motion.

“I am willing to open myself up to what needs to be done.”
”I am willing to do what it takes!”

Until you are willing, you’ll be putting your energy into making excuses for not getting what you say you want. Don’t waste that energy! If you’re not willing, let it go. Being willing to put it out is a good first step. It let’s the Universe know that you’re getting serious and can lead to situations where you might meet people who help or guide you.

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