When I asked people to send the pictures or videos or poems or movies that represented the “thin places” in their lives, I didn’t know what to expect. I hoped that you would send things but wasn’t sure. After all, thin places are very personal and intimate. How extraordinary then, to have received this:
The person who sent this wrote:

My 7 year old died in my arms on my 35th birthday of kidney disease, on 9-7-2001, right before 9-11 happened. Later, my husband and I adopted 4-year-old twins. If we had not done this, they might not have been able to stay together for life, or they may have continued living indefinitely in the facility they were at. We felt our daughter was guiding us to these two souls. We have since adopted a third child, a boy, and we thank God daily for our precious angel that watches over us. She will always be a part of our family. This double rainbow was in the sky outside our hotel the morning we were going to get our twins.

Thank you for sharing.
And please send more pictures or poems or videos no matter how great or small the story attached to it might be. Thank you.

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