2008 is approaching and things aren’t looking better for Republicans. The man that many had hoped would be the next Reagan, – not based on performance, vision, or ideology but on the fact that he is also an actor – Fred Thompson has been unveiled as an abortion-rights lobbyist.
It isn’t so much the amount of time that he spent – apparently only 20 hours – it is the simple fact that he did it and the demoralizing impact that is having on the conservative Republicans who thought he might be the one to save the current Republican implosion.

Fred, it seems, is little different than the current top-tier candidates. He is a flipper – pro-choice, pro-life, stay tuned. He has a faulty memory – he never remembers working for this client he billed. He is a man devoid of compelling vision.
This is not a good description for the man hoped to be a Republican savior.
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