On Sundays, I’m going to start reposting the Top Five posts of the week for your enjoyment. So… here’s the posts that you guys LOVED/VIEWED the most this week…

5) A reason for God to destroy airports?

4) A new(?) theory on the death of Christ...

3) One man’s way of putting “Christ” back into “Christmas“…

2) Students showing their ‘true colors’ by advertising their ‘Christian’ sexuality…

And the # 1 post of the week? THIS ONE.

Oh, and because I love you guys… here’s a church sign from right here in Nashville. I actually saw this one myself a couple days ago. However, my friend Sharideth Smith snapped this picture and sent it to me… READ HER BLOG HERE

But we already knew this, right?

Let me say this: Though West End Church of Christ is quite well known in Nashville for its cheesy signs, it’s also very well known for feeding the hungry and clothing the poor. That church is constantly collecting food, coats, blankets, etc for needy people. And so, while their signs often make me shake my head, I must applaud their hard work toward helping people… They’re good people.

Happy Sunday!

PS: Oh, and I have a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT coming tomorrow! HUGE HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! Okay, so I’m exaggerating… it’s not that big; I just wanted to get you excited for a second and cause you to think I was preparing to go into early retirement. But there is an announcement coming. And no, I’m not quitting Twitter… or Facebook… or opening my own pet store… or going to Haiti…

Though opening a pet store might be fun. At least for a couple days…

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