Michael Spencer is with God this morning. And my thoughts and prayers are with his dear family. I pray that the grace of God be with them in their sadness and loss.

While I was familiar with Michael’s name and blog, I only read it on occasion. I started to regret that the day I opened up the pages of a galley for Michael’s book (his first, I believe) Mere Churchianity.

One of the editors at Waterbrook Press asked me to read and possibly endorse the book. I agreed.

By the end of Michael’s first chapter–one called When Church Signs Lie–I felt as though I’d met a spiritual soul mate. As I continued to read, unaware at the time that Michael was fighting a vicious battle with cancer, I sat on my couch thinking about the day that I would one day meet Michael over a cup of coffee. I hoped to laugh with Michael, ask him questions, seek out some much needed wisdom for my own journey. Then, later that day I went to Michael’s site and learned of his condition and its severity.

I’m very sad about Michael’s passing. I’m sad about not being able to meet him on this side.

But I’m thankful that a portion of his legacy will continue to live through words.

And the words he wrote for Mere Churchianity are powerful and healing…

There hasn’t been a book like this in a very long time. For me, it’s been like reading some of the best of Brennan Manning, Anne Lamott, and Philip Yancey all rolled into one…

I’ll write more about it soon…

For now, I’m simply grateful to God and to Michael (as well as his family) for giving us the gift of his story, passion, and joy…

I, for one, will keep reading.

Purchase Mere Churchianity: Finding Your Way Back to Jesus-Shaped Spirituality here.

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