Screen shot 2010-04-12 at 7.51.22 PM.pngThis book is now getting to the nittty gritty of a genuine 4th Way proposal:

James Davison Hunter, in his new book, (To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World
), sketches what power is all about. I agree with him that power — and who is in control, what is in control — is at the heart of the issue. But what is power?

How should Christians use power? This is a huge, huge issue, so let’s think about this: What is the Christian approach to power?
Hunter: Power is a facility exercised in relation to others that is both individual and institutional. It tends to be an end in itself, it generates its own resistances, and it carries unintended consequences. He thinks the “powerlessness” plays of many Christians is a form of power-mongering.
The issue is not if we have power, but how that power is used.

What is the Church to do?

1. Disentangle itself from life and identity of American society.
2. Decouple public from political. That is, it needs to keep politics at a distance.
Ah, now he begins to make his proposal when he discusses “Jesus and Social Power.”
He recognizes the natural disposition of all power is abuse.
1. His power was derived from intimacy with the Father.
2. He rejected status and reputation and privilege.
3. His sense of power was defined by compassion.
4. His power was noncoercive toward those outside his community.
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