If any one chp summarizes Robert Webber’s take on spirituality, chp 8 of The Divine Embrace is it.
The spiritual life is a full, active and conscious participation in the purposes of God for life in the world. It is incarnational in that it is embodied participation in this world and this life — family, work and leisure. We are to imitate the life of Jesus.

It is trinitarian, creational, revelational, incarnational, cruciform, resurrectional, ecclesial, liturgical, baptismal, eucharistic, missiological, pneumatological, and eschatological.
It is a dying to sin and death and a rising to new life born of the Spirit.
We put off and we put on — off by guarding heart, mind, will, senses, eyes, ears, tongue, imagination, and memnory and we put on love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
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