This is Bob. I’ve finally come home after seven (!) weeks in the hospital.
I’m excited to be back with my family.
I’m very weak and I still get a little queasy in the stomach at times. I am to see a specialist Monday to check my ears—I can’t hear as well as I should and we want to make sure that the trauma of the surgery and long time in ICU did not cause permanent damage to my hearing.

I’m able to walk short distances and do short stints of physical therapy. I can climb our stairs in order to go to bed and take a shower—though I need supervision in case I fall.
I talked to my surgeon this morning. He told me that if I were older I would not have survived. He attributed my making it through the surgery and the complications after the surgery to my faith and the faith of my friends and family. So, I thank you for your prayers!! I am absolutely sure that God heard your prayers—they were powerful and effective.
I will be recuperating from this for a long time. I have no idea when I will be living a normal life. Sometimes this is daunting and depressing, but then I remember that I’ve been pulled out of certain death and given a new opportunity to live a life dedicated to glorifying God in every moment. I remember that my wife has been spared being a widow with three young children to raise, and my children still have their daddy.
Blessings upon blessings!!
Thanks again for your prayers!
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