We’re back from Grand Rapids and the Civitas Lectures at Cornerstone University on After Evangelicalism. I heard some nice panel sessions, had lunch with Kris and Jim Kinney of Baker (where I heard the story of how they are bringing out a USA edition of The Life of the Christ in which I had a big hand and then I suggested an Emerging Church Commentary Series), then I gave my presentation on the emerging movement where I set the record straight, and then heard a paper on why evangelicalism has gone feminine and needs more manly men — I kept quiet for fear of spoiling the Jesus Creed in front of everyone. Met some fine emerging young leaders, including Steve Bush and the Postmodernnegro, Anthony Smith — fine people. Some of my blog readers, including Ted Gossard, came up and introduced themselves — which now gives me a face to put with their comments. The St Julian’s wine retail outlet was closed, else we’d a come back with a few bottles of Merlot.

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