Graham Old’s comment stung. Thanks Graham. The list on spiritual formation was slanted too one-sidedly toward individualism, and so I want to add a second list to balance it out. This one focuses on formation as a communal and missional endeavor. Community formation shapes individual formation.

I’m cheating here with some numbers with more than one book.

1. R. Sider, Good News and Good Works and Churches that Make a Difference and Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger

2. J. Wallis, Faith Works
3. D. Guder, Missional Church
4. S. Hauerwas, from Peaceable Kingdom to A Better Hope
5. J.H. Yoder, The Politics of Jesus
6. W. Wink, Powers series
7. D. Bonhoeffer, Life Together
8. S. Grenz, Created for Community and The Social God and the Relational Self
9. B. Blount, Then the Whisper Put on Flesh
10. Emergent: B. McLaren, Generous Orthodoxy; D. Pagitt, Reimagining Spiritual Formation
11. C.P. DeYoung, United by Faith

Admittedly, some of these are more “come to our church” than they are strictly missional, but each is committed to community, to a big gospel, and to the Kingdom as God’s design.

Again, there are many more, and you can post your own comments should you wish.

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