November 29 marks the 64th anniversary of the “Partition Plan,” approved by the UN. The plan, which passed by a majority vote, called for the establishment of a Jewish state and a Palestinian Arab state, on what was left of the original Palestine Mandate (Transjordan had been created the year before, on most of historical Palestine).

The Jews took the deal, the Arabs did not. Ever since, Arabs have referred to the establishment of Israel, the Partition Vote, the Six Day War, and evidently, every day since 1947 as “The Nakba,” or, the Catastrophe.

There are two basic versions to the story: the Arabs (remember, anyone living in Palestine at the time was “Palestinian”) say the Jews took their land. The Jews say the Arabs have never accepted them.

For many, the issue is the West Bank (the area known in the Bible as Judea and Samaria). The so-called Green Line is the armistice line from 1949, when the Arab invasion of Israel failed. Palestinians want that land for a future state, and interestingly, I do not believe the Bible mitigates against a Palestinian state in the last days. What we know for sure is that the Jews are there to stay (see Amos 9:15).

This tiny plot of land, surrounded by an invisible “green line,” is the source of world consternation.

Just as the Bible said it would be.

The West Bank

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