"full moon in taurus" Finally.
I’ve fallen in love with Tarot. It took my new deck — the Wildwood Tarot — for it to happen. This deck is not new, but it’s new to me.

Tarot is my livelihood, my fascination, my inspiration, my psychic Beloved, the subject of my blog posts and classes and conversations and book purchases… but falling head over heels is another level entirely.

This deck makes me feel at home. It’s a home I remember — from when I was a hare or a reindeer or a stone or a waterfall or a branch on a tree.

See, I was not prepared to feeeeeeeeeel these cards like I do, and I’ve only drawn a few for clients so far! The deck is so rich and deep I may ONLY do one-card readings from these for a while. They are… complete. This deck is a world.

One card for your weekend:  the TEN OF VESSELS (Cups in more traditional decks although I do consider this a traditional Tarot, pretty much).

Are you happy? How happy are you? Content? The Ten of Vessels wants to know. Are your ten cups full? What fills them? What fills you? Do you have delight? Do you have light? This card may portend good news, good times, happiness. Someone/something is coming to fill up more of your cups. This is good news indeed.

This card isn’t about your money, honey. This card isn’t about your goals although it may be the end note of your goals.

Even if you don’t feel all that Ten of Vessels these days, what can you do this weekend to fill up another cup in your life?

Ten of VesselsThe Cups (Vessels) suit is our heart chakra. Feelings. Joy. Romance. Other people. Social life. Intuition. Feeling at ease. Feeling at home. And there are TEN!  That’s a lot of heart, a lot of love, a lot of mourning in the darker Cups cards.

There are no people in this version of the card, unlike the Rider Waite which shows two ebullient grown-ups and a couple of dancing children and the sky is a rainbow of heavenly goblets. Here we have a waterfall, abundance incarnate, and everyone is covered. The bowls are full to overflowing bursting

I know we can’t feel this way all the time. That would be kind of nuts. Peak experience is part of normal life but so is laundry. Funny. You could do your laundry in this card 🙂 all that water.

What would make you happy again?

Wishing you good cards xx


I am doing a new e-course, starting November 15th on the Tarot Court Cards! The cost for the course is $90 and will be in a “secret group” on Facebook.  The “room” is always open, so you can learn and participate at your leisure! It will last a month and we will discuss all the Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages and the different ways to interpret them! You don’t have to be a card reader or experienced in Tarot to take the class but this isn’t a “what is Tarot” type beginner class. Some experience with the cards is preferable but all are welcome to join in the fun. I also teach Tarot 1:1 if you seek beginner lessons. Just email me at moonpluto@gmail for info. 

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