TwilightpicIC.jpgHave you heard of Cullenism? Apparently, it’s been around for a while now, but I just learned of it today. Yes, that’s right: Cullenism, and its followers are called Cullenites. As in Edward Cullen, the star vampire from “Twilight,” the novels by Stephenie Meyer turned cult movie hit. Some people are saying it’s a new religion based on the series. Though, the official Cullenism website says otherwise (though religion is part of the conversation):

“Cullenism is a mass group of people referred to as Cullenites, who have come together to appreciate the values and ideals represented by the Twilight series. We are not a religion (or a cult, lol) But we will be comparing and discussing Twilight with religion. We are nondenominational and don’t intend to make anyone give up their own personal beliefs to be a part of the Cullenism group. We are simply fans who cherish the values of Twilight (not just how cute Edward is)!”
Sure sounds a lot like a religion of sorts, but this is the kicker: Cullenites celebrate TwiChurch every Sunday! (It’s all conducted online.) TwiChurch meets every Sunday at 8pm, PST: “In case some of you don’t know yet, TwiChurch is a weekly event where we have a topic of discussion related to Twilight.”
Please, someone out there attend TwiChurch and give us a full report on Idol Chatter.
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