How Great Thou Part

We have to move. I know you don’t understand.  I am so sorry. This is where you met your pack. Where you traveled from room to room  – carefully choosing whose bed you would jump into and who to snuggle next to at night. Where you peered out a window perch to make sure all…

Very few people know this about me, even my closest friends. I just never told them even back then. When I was just twenty-three years old and newly engaged, I said a prayer. I asked God to give me a sign if my marriage was not meant to last.  I know, it doesn’t sound congruent…

When I began attending professional writers conferences I would eagerly sit and listen to editors speak of ‘finding your voice.’ At the time, all I could think was…’What the heck does that mean?’ I’m writing my heart out. Isn’t my voice obvious? It took a while before I became seasoned enough to understand their message…

I remember chatting with my friend during the final demise of my marriage. She pondered whether there was really just ‘one’ person for each of us in life.  I was horrified! Me, the idealistic writer. Of course, there is only ‘one!’ – – THE ONE! After all, at thirteen my best friend and I had…

Divorce is a huge loss for children. Life as they know it has forever changed. It is at the same time – a new beginning – a healing of past pain and a stronger, more positive future. Children need to know everything is going to be okay.   They need to have their home restored…

There are resounding themes people will rely on to explain why they choose to remain in a bad marriage. And they sound like really, really good reasons. After all, we have as a society relied on these marital excuses for decades. Who are we to fight convention? However, there is a growing awareness of many…

I am chatting with a few girls. “Hey, don’t talk about my friend like that!” says my friend who I will nickname ‘Rainbow.’ At first, I am startled. Did I just say something about someone I shouldn’t have? Oh, that’s right…I wasn’t talking about another person I was talking about myself in a self-deprecating manner.…

Take a trip and people will ask how it was? Choose a different profession and they will want to know if you love it. Date some new hottie and they will ask if you are happy. Get a divorce? Oddly, no one seems to ask… Are you glad you did it? Are you happier? Would you…

Divorce is trying and not just on the people experiencing it but on the individuals who know them. I have spoken candidly about judging one of my best friends because I was so worried about her and her family. I was younger, more naive and still believed I was living life right. I also recall…

Ask any mother and they will tell you the same thing. Their children are all that matter. They are everything. Mother’s Day is an excuse to get them all to ourselves. Baseball? Sorry, it’s Mother’s Day. Dance? Sorry, it’s Mother’s Day. Work? Sorry, it’s Mother’s Day. Television? Sorry, it’s Mother’s Day. Friends? Sorry, it’s Mother’s…

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